Predictive Astrology
Predictive Astrology is one of the most effective techniques of knowing about future and also for understanding about the past. Different preferred techniques of predictive astrology include transits, solar arc directions, secondary progression and solar return charts. Natal chart of an individual is very much like a snapshot of the sky at the moment they took their first breath and every individual’s natal chart plays significant roles through the entire course of their lives. Planets and luminaries continue their movement and cycles while through predictive astrology, we predict correct life events of future and past by understanding relations ship of planet movements with individual’s natal chart.
Predictive Astrology Idiosyncrasies
• Transits & Cycles play significant role in individual’s life as planet transit and their cyclic arrangements are quite important for fulfilling life
• Solar arc directions predict about future by calculating arc movements of sun.
• Secondary progressions are used as the change in sign of progressed Sun or Moon. It is also dependent on progressed planets and points
• Solar return charts are used for calculating next moment when the sun returns to its natal position.
Noticeable Benefits of Predictive Astrology
• Predictive Astrology tells about future in the most accurate and befitting manner
• Predictive Astrology showers strength and positivity by letting you know about future and past instances as per natal arrangements that clear doubts of your mind.
• Predictive Astrology guides towards a path where confusion about life events does not bother you.
Benefits of Puja Yagya’s Predictive Astrology
• Complete accuracy of Predictive Astrology is assured by our astrology experts who are well known in USA for their accurate knowledge of Astrology.
• Puja Yagya incorporates Astrologists who are fully expert in Predictive Astrology and they are also well experienced professionals whose services make us absolutely reliable astrology services provider.