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Nag Panchami Puja

Nag Panchami Puja

Nag Panchami puja is considered as an auspicious day for worshipping snakes or serpents and it is conducted on shukla paksha panchami day of hindu month of Shravan. As per hindu scriptures, on the day of Nag Panchami, sarpraj takshaka (king of snakes) and his race was saved by ma mansa devi from decimation or massacre on the request of Astika (Jaratkarus’s son).

Benefits of Naag puja on the Auspicious Day of Nag Panchami

  • Nag Panchami Puja mitigates all the negative effects of kaal sarp dosha from one’s horoscope
  • It is quite effective in nullifying Nisantan yog of childless couples
  • It helps in gaining benefits from ancestral property
  • Nag Panchami Puja is effective in removing fear of snakes
  • It is quite significant to unearth and gain benefits from hidden treasures
  • Nag Panchami puja is also effective in eradicating vastu dosha
  • This puja helps in removing various harmonal disturbances of human body

Astrological Importance of Nag Panchami Puja

This puja is highly important for individuals who are facing

  • Troubles caused due to occurrence of visha yoga in horoscope
  • Weak or malefic existence of shukra graham in Natal Chart
  • Mahadasa or antardasa due to rahu graha’s positioning in Horoscope
  • Mahadasa or antardasa due to positioning of ketu graham in horoscope

Puja Yagya & Nag Panchami Puja

Nag Panchamim puja is done to get various types of astrological and spiritual benefits. On this auspicious day; tantric puja is conducted in a grand way by pundits of Puja Yagya, which includes Guru Vandana & Poojan, Gau puja, Bhairav puja, Special Nag devta Abhishekam, Pushpa Arpanam, Nag devta Shringar & Alankaram, Ganapathy, Navagraha, Aavahan puja & homam, Sri Nag devta Mool Mantra, Maha poojan Yagya and so forth. Pundits suggest pujas as per the analysis of your natal chart and specific requirements. Puja Yagya conducts special Naag Puja on Nag Panchami Day with the help of which, people who are suffering from any kind of sarp dosha get benefits. Conducting nag devta puja lets you get bountiful blessings of naag raja. Various types of Pujas conducted by pundits of Puja Yagya are:

  • Kaalsarp dosha nivaran puja
  • Puja to remove fear of snakes
  • Puja for childless couples
  • Puja for vastu dosha nivaran
  • Puja for gain from ancestral property
  • Puja to unearth and obtain hidden treasures
  • Kundalini awakening through naag puja
  • Online Mode of Puja Conduction with absolute accuracy and transparency
  • Offline Mode of Puja Conduction at your doorstep in a customized manner

About us

Pujayagya is your One Stop Halt for all Vedic Puja & Astrological Requirements as our Vedic Experts incorporate expertise in all the Pujas explained in Great Indian Vedic Scriptures.


Pujayagya is your One Stop Halt for all Vedic Puja & Astrological Requirements as our Vedic Experts incorporate expertise in all the Pujas explained in Great Indian Vedic Scriptures. We provide customized Puja Packages as per convenience of individuals who wish to get benefits of spiritual Pujas for channelizing positivity in their lives.