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Ganesh Chaturthi Puja

Ganesh Chaturthi Puja

Ganesh chaturthi is also known as the Vinayaka Chaturti and it is one of the well known Hindu festivals which is celebrated as the birthday of Ganesha. Lord Ganesha is the  God of wisdom and Ganesh Chaturthi falls on fourth day of the Bhadrapada Hindu Month that falls around August-September time period of every year. Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated from forth day of new moon/shukla paksha chaturthi of Bhadrapada and is continued for next eleven days that ends with anant chaturdasi. The verbal meaning of Chaturthi is fourth stage that belongs to Lord Ganapati who is beyond three stages of human body. When Ganesh is in his fourth stage i.e. Turia then one can get his blessing that channelize absolute vitality in one’s life.

Ganesh Chaturthi Puja is very effective and some of its amazing Advantages are:

  • Removal of any obstacle coming in your life
  • Making of a favorable situations circumstances for you
  • Eradication of loans and other financial problems and hence it brings prosperity
  • It improves and accelerates all your business endeavors
  • It  minimizes all the malefic effects related to afflicted mercury
  • It is also worth for sidhi, the ultimate success
  • It is also beneficial for gaining excellent results in higher education
  • It offers great results for overall materialistic and spiritual fulfillments

Puja Yagya & Ganesh Chaturthi Puja

Puja Yagya conducts Ganesh Chaturthi Puja as per your specific requirements and we conduct Ganpati Tantric Puja for wealth. Our pundits conduct special and auspicious puja on behalf of those people who despite putting their best efforts do not get the desired result. This channelizes blessing of Lord Ganesha who provides vitality to you which initiates your stalled growth quite constructively and spiritually. This puja confers great power, potency, wisdom and it removes all the hindrances from your life. We also suggest Ucchista Ganapati pooja for shatkarma that helps devotees to have control over their five senses that aids them in attaining ultimate success and supreme bliss. It also blesses peace, predominance, prosperity, promotions and superiority in life.

Pundits of Puja Yagya also suggest Haridra Ganesh puja for effective loan eradication to those people who are suffering with financial loan crisis. In this puja Haridra Ganapati is worshipped with Ma Baglamukhi and its benefits include effective eradication of debt and loans. It also blesses with success in work and businesses. We also suggest tantrik bala ganapati poojan that is important for improving health of children and it is best for proper growth of intelligence in children. It is also effective for childless couples.

About us

Pujayagya is your One Stop Halt for all Vedic Puja & Astrological Requirements as our Vedic Experts incorporate expertise in all the Pujas explained in Great Indian Vedic Scriptures.


Pujayagya is your One Stop Halt for all Vedic Puja & Astrological Requirements as our Vedic Experts incorporate expertise in all the Pujas explained in Great Indian Vedic Scriptures. We provide customized Puja Packages as per convenience of individuals who wish to get benefits of spiritual Pujas for channelizing positivity in their lives.